Hiya Guys

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This blog is all about sharing, so let's share together!!!

About Me

East Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
I am a student from BPK PENABUR school, East Jakarta. I want to share my interest in this blog, so share with me!!!
Success is how high you bounce, AFTER you touch the ground

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Please Vote (Tolong Vote)

Please vote the poll beside, and if it's not clear, you can put the crusor above the text, then, the whole sentence will be shown to you.

Tolong vote di poll yang ada di samping, kalo nggak jelas, kamu bisa taruh krusor di atas teks, maka seluruh kalimatnya akan muncul.

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Hiya thanks for the comment, I appriciate it, please don't use rude words for this.