Saturday, October 31, 2009
Back From Character Formation!!
It's been like months for me since I last post something on my blog.
Well, actually I've just returned home from my country's complex of Navy in Cilandak, South Jakarta.
You may think that it would be a very tiring, useless, and so out of the question.
I experienced so many things, oh wow I never imagined that I would be this happy because of a military education and all, but oh no.
It's been great, really great actually.
Don't worry, I'll tell you all the details later.
Although it's a very long story, If I have the time I will make an English version of the story. But if not, then I will stick to Indonesian.
I've been through many experiences, like raffling from a helli (u know what I mean), and then there's the jurit malam (it means that, we are suppose to go through a forest which has a very, and I mean VERY difficult route, and being scared by those navies in their costume, and handS).
I really enjoy being trained like that, I want MORE!!! ^^
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Art....The WAY of LIFE
The title of this blog of mine is ART...
So I guess, I'm gonna tell you a little 'bout art then (or may be a lot)^^
About me, I really like art....
I love to draw Man-Ga characters, paint, make an animation, etc...
You don't need to have a special gift to create art, all you need is a filled emotionally heart that will guide your hand on making a piece of art....
They say, if a piece of art that was made by giving out emotions through actions is called
But you know, who cares about Fine Art of Decorative Art??
All that really matter's that you are having a blast in making art.....
And you know, if you're like really IN 'bout art, you could make a fortune out of it...
So be more expressive, and let go of your emotions!!
P.S: You could relieve stress by making an art piece

Hiya guys! Tomorrow is the opening of my school's special event!
anyway, this event will be on for two weeks
We'll have basketball, ping pong, futsall competitions
And there would be this workshops on Information and Technology, and also life skills.
For example, in Information and Technology, we have
-AutoCAD (if I'm not wrong it's a program for designing buildings)
-And many more...
And for the Life skills, we have
-Acting Class
-Broadcasting TV and Radio
-Clothing design
-Manga (read: Man-Ga) drawing
-And many more
And there would be seminars and talkshows...
It'll be a blast!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Science Club Selection Test at SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR
Hiya guys!
It's been quite a while since I post the last post huh? Well I've got a very good excuse for that matter...
You see, I'm a SMAK 7 BPK PENABUR student. If you don't know, PENABUR school is well known for it's achievements in wining lots of Science Olympics, either in the national region or the international region.
Well, most of the students who actually wins in these olympics came from SMAK 1. In that school, you'll find the hardest educational institute. My brother's girlfriend is an alumni of SMAK 1, amazing huh.
In PENABUR, every year there are some selected students to take part in a selection test for a science club in SMAK 1. You see, in the science club, the students will learn extra hard to compete on the national science olympic. And if he or she wins, they will continue on to the international region.
There are many divisions that are available in the Science club (the same divisions that are in the Olympics).
They have Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economy, Astronomy, and Geography.
In my case, I'm in the Chemistry division...
In the selection test there would be many questions that aren't only taken from the tenth grade but also from the eleventh grade lessons.
For me (the tenth grader student), there's A LOT to study. And there's only a week of trainings that my school gives.
The rest is up to how I study at home. Consider it..... Really hard.
I cramped for that, I mean I have to work on school's homework(S), tests, and now I have to learn a two year Chemistry lessons in a week! I'm not a genius you know!
Well, the selection test takes place in 10th October, that's last Saturday. The day before that, I studied Chemistry until 2 o'clock in the morning, it's crazy!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
BACK BaCk bAcK >.<

It's been a very busy month. These days schedule's are just too tight don't you know. I have many activities, not just school u know, I also have courses. I'm in a course that teaches science based studies (such as Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology).
The place called HEKSAINS, I know, the name's kinda weird. It's like what the heck?! Science??
Well, if you know Indonesian, you'll be sure to know what that means...
Anyway, there are a lot of my friends back from school entered HEKSAINS too. Including my bestfriend Yenni. She's a really cute girl, and VERY friendly too. Other than her, there were only boys, there's like five of 'em. >.<
"back to school", after a not so very long Lebaran Holiday (for like only two weeks). But ya know? I wouldn't call it a holiday really, my teachers gave me a bunch of souvenirs for me.... If you know what I mean...
So, I still go to the course to work on these so called souvenirs. But I still have my own crazy times with Yenni, well... Since she brought her camera, we take some pictures together. I'm not a really a Like-to-be-taken-pictures-person but, I guess it's fine...
What I didn't realize is that, my BF posted the pictures on Facebook. Now everyone can see them!! That's soo embarrassing!
But, I think she made me realize that that's okay.... Although she didn't really tell me anything about: calm down it'll be okay, etc...
That's why I'm going to share one of the photos to you ^^
Thee Hee~
Thursday, September 10, 2009
My Injury

Since you already know that, I rarely make a new post in my own blog. I guess you're wondering why am I making a new post at this time of day....
Well, I don't go to school today, cu'z my knee's hurt. You see, yesterday, I have this extracurricular activity at school. And also a violin lesson in the evening. So I practice playing the violin at school (to save some time) with my friend Valerie. As you can see, I came home late that day. And when my mom arrived at the school to pick me up, I walked down the street. And suddenly I slipped, and fell on the street.
My knee's bleeding, my mom drive a bit faster than usual. After we arrived home, I went to the bathroom, and tried to clean my knee (other than my knee, there's a lot of other bruises). Then I lie down, and my mom put some betadine on my knee.
Well, the street was a bit slippery, cu'z you see, there's this school building that was still in progress (the building progress) near my school. So there's a lot of sand everywhere. And my guess is that, those sands were the ones that makes the street so slippery...
The good thing is, my violin lesson was cancelled earlier that day by the teacher. But what makes me sad is that I can't go to school today. And yet there's a lot of test today. Of course I could take the test on Monday. I just hope that, my knee will heal soon.
All I can do for now is pray, and have some rest...
P.S: I don't think that I will post "my injured knee" photo on this blog, It'll just make me feel sick~
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My FIrst Duty, and something else...
So I have to study a lot, and you know what? I almost don't have the time to rest.
All I want to do is sleep! Ugh! I'm so TIRED.
Oh yeah, I haven't told you yet, I have become the class's present picker/buyer -> that means I get to pick some presents for my classmates on their birthday. Of course, I'll use the class's money. ten thousand rupiahs per month for each person.
Today is the first time I started the job. I went to a gift shop with my bestfriend, Yenni. Oh, she has the same job as I am. We bought seven presents in total. There are five presents for the girls, and two for the boys. And we have to keep it a secret, so the class won't make a fuss over it. Plus, if they know it was us, who bought all the present. I'm sure they'll want us to buy this instead of that.. for example.
Long absence.... But there's so many things that I really want to share with you guys! Oh I hope I'll have the time for it. I haven't even had the time to practice playing the violin. Well, I guess this is what they meant by:
So much to do
Friday, August 14, 2009
I'm Exhausted!!!
I've been having tests on Physics, Math, Chemistry, Biology, and Economy!
Every single day with a test! My brain's gonna explode!
And, well... yeah! It's my first test on -...- subject. My marks are very low!
And well, there's going to be a retest on the Math subject, and a remedial for physics...
Of course, I didn't study enough back then, but I'll make sure I'll get an even HIGHER marks for the next test...
I passed the Math test though.... Only one point from the KKM -> it's kinda like, "you'll pass the test if you get a higher point than the KKM"
*Basically, it's like this
Let's say the KKM for the Math subject is 60
you finish the test, and your result is 60 or above, you'll pass the test
but if your result is lower than 60, you're gonna need a re-test or a remedial to higher your mark...
So, my math subject's KKM is 60, my result is only a point above 60 -> that's 61
I can't say that I'm happy, but a lot of my friends have an even lower marks than me, that's why the teacher will give us a retest...
What I can't believe is, that there's not gonna be a retest on physics! And yet, my mark on the subject is "not for you to know".... I really need a retest!!!
About the chemistry, I think I aced it on the essay, let's hope that I'll get a good mark on chemistry...
I don't really know my condition on Biology and Economy, I'll just hope that I won't get anymore bad marks...
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Name Changes Due Time
Do you realize you could call me with SEVEN different kinds of name?
here's my name list:
I like 'em all. You could call me with one of the names above!
Usually, people call me Christy in my school, at home they call me Chris, my best friend calls me June, sometimes J! The driver calls me Ty. My sister... She wants to call me Neza. And I didn't ask to be called Noel in my class, 'cause there's a boy who happens to be called Noel...
Remmember that I took table tennis for my extracurricular activity at school?
Well guess what?! They actually gonna test us!
What do I do?
I can't play yet, I don't have any experience! Gosh, must I quit and join volley instead?
Well, at least I have better chance in volley than in table tennis!
Guys! Will you give me a solution?
I'm in desperate need of your help! Comment this post, if you want to help!
Well, if you are my friend I'm sure you're gonna help me
My First Violin Lesson
Yesterday was the first violin lesson that I've taken.
The teacher's a guy, he's really nice, and patient with my slow progress,
he told me to keep practicing on handling the bow and violin.
I think, it's gonna take some time for me to master hendling them.
Well, practice makes perfect, so I'm not giving up!
At the end of the lesson, I asked him to write on m report for the IAYP programme.
He asked, "Oh! You join the AIYP programme". It was unexpected that he knows about it,
so I asked him you know about the programme? He said yes. Have you ever followed the programme?
No... Eeh? Why? He said he was interested about the programme when he was still in junior high,
but he didn't join it. Why? I don't remmember why, it's been a long time ago, so...
Btw, it's not really a long time ago, he's still young... Younger than my siblings!
When I first saw him, I thought for a sec.... Is he my new teacher or one of the student?
My mom said, he looked more like an athlete than a violin teacher...
And you know? She's right!
Amazing, isn't?
Thee Hee...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Study Crisis

Currently there's only two of us. Me and my study partner Yenni. I've asked three other people to join, they said yes but no actions (unfortunately). So, I guess I'll have to encourage everyone.
Actually, this study group might be better to be called homework group. 'cause we finish homeworks rather than stusy other things (this happens because there's a lot of HOMEWORK)
So be sure to contact me, and we'll make a study group schedule...
Okay everyone, thanks for the co-operation
What Do You Expect

You know... Ever since I got to be a new student at SMAK 7
I think I've lost the meaning of eat lunch when reccess comes...
I'm busy all the time I guess, busy doing what you ask?
I'm busy chasing over the teachers and ask this and that (s). I'm pitying myself at the moment...
I have business with teachers that are related to IAYP program, I'm currently confused with the activities that I must do. You see, when you join IAYP you can pick 2 extracurricular activity...
Well, in my case I've picked tennis table and magazine online. I picked table tennis because that I have to. For the physical recreation in the IAYP program, remmember?
The other one is because of my own personal interest in web design, and there's might be a chance that I could help out with my chruch's web page, so...
But then, suddenly they said (teachers) that there's gonna be a test to eliminate those who doesn't have what it takes to live on and pick the best out of the trash. And then the best's skill will be polished until it shines the word SMAK 7. ->know what I mean?(Dramatic? I know)...
Well, here's the thing. I don't really have any experience in tabble tennis, so I'm kinda worried. Then I asked my teacher, he said there's a high probability that the girls who picked tennis table for their extracurricular activity won't be tested, considering the quantity of having girls in the activity is really...REALLY low, where as the boys...There's like mountains of 'em entered table tennis. And so only the boys will be tested...
But I think that's ridiculous, I mean you don't test 'em 'cause of their being low in quantity?! That's just out of the ordinary!! I'm confused. Well, my solution for myself is:
I'll ask my dad to teach me how to play tabble tennis. (He plays with my church's pastor-> whew) I know, kinda weird... But that's my life. My dad likes playing tabble tennis and tennis. He usually plays tennis with our neighbours. I've never played tennis before in my life, so I kinda have the urge to try...
when I got the time....
Anyway, there's school. Mountanious homeworks to do, quizes, diary (a must at my school), and tests. Just like an ordinary school... With a math teacher that continuously will give us a hundred number of math questions... And will have a plus if you didn't finish the last one...
Creepy? I know, that's my school.
See yaa!! Thee Hee
P.S: That's a picture of my best friend Valerie a.k.a Valie wearing our school's complete uniform
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Information About IAYP

Philosophy of the Award
The Award is an exciting self-development programme available to all young people between the ages of 14 and 25. It aims to equip them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, and to their communities and the world.
Levels of Award Levels of Award Minimum Duration
Bronze 6 months
Silver 12 months
Gold 18 months
For each level, participants have to complete the requirements of each of the 4 different sections. Qualifying standards are measured in terms of progress, proficiency and sustained effort.
Service: To learn how to give useful service to others.
Skills: To encourage the development of personal interests and practical skills.
Physical Recreation: To encourage participation in physical recreation activities, physical fitness and improvement of performance.
Adventurous Journey: To encourage spirit of adventure and discovery whilst undertaking a journey in a group.
Residential Project : (Gold level)
At Gold Level, participants must complete an additional requirement of Residential Project. The aim being to broaden the participants experience through involvement with others in a residential setting.
What Should I do?
Suddenly my schedule become so tight, I wonder if I'll manage to do 'em all...
I have a course that teaches me school lessons in Monday
There's a chance that I'll be in the school's green house duty in Tuesday, and also violin lessons
Table tennis extracurricular activity in Wednesday,
and Magazine Online in Thursday,
There might be another violin lesson in Friday....or is it Saturday
(I take violin lessons in Willy Soemantri at Cip. Indah), I walk there (near my house)
so....Support me okay?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Get Ready!
My class X-2 is deffinatelly GREAT!!! We have 40 students onboard the X-2 Express!!
I have some new friends! Well, I'm not really that close to my old friends so....
Our teacher Miss Venny is very nice too, I like her.
Yesterday me, and 2 of my friends asked Mam Lidya about joining a special group named IAYP (International Award for Young People)
kinda fancy eh?
Well, basically if I join, I will have a very.... did I say VERY TIGHT SCHEDULE!!
But I'm really intrested in joining the group... They say if I complete the challenges I'll have a certificate that'll be signed by PRINCE WILLIAM.... or Charles? Bah! I forgot the name....
anyway, I'll have to do three different activities in a week, the activities are:
-Community Service
-Physical Recreation
Me? Well about the community service, I'll be helping in the school's green house...
For the skill, I'll be taking violin lessons,
For the Physical Recreation, I'll be taking table tennis lessons at school
Basically, if I join IAYP I can choose TWO Extracuricular activity of the following list:
-Modern Dance
-Basketball (boys/girls)
-Paskibra (the people who practices for ceremonies, ex: raise flags)
-Business Club->Accounting
-Table Tennis
-Footsal (boys/girls)->Dk the English, (kinda like soccer)
-YPI (DK what that is...)
-PMR (it's kinda like the red cross team)
-Magazine Online and Web (web design)
-Japanese Language
-Physics and Astronomy
With a total of 24 diferrent activities to choose,
I'm very confused!
Sorry for the long....long absence
Guess what I'm a new student in SMAK 7 BPK PENABUR! An I.T based school.
And whoa! Don't they know how to give homeworks???
I have 100 questions for Math! I thought, I would go crazy, but you know...
Practice makes perfect
That will be my motivation for the next THREE YEARS...
Well, before we "embark on a new journey" all the new students have to attend MOS "masa orientasi siswa".
We had a blast! Though my group's leader (a senior) is kinda~ tense... hhe. All the groups have a certain name which related to I.T.
Group 1-7 are all named after computer viruses,
Group 8-14 are all named after computer antiviruses.
Mine's group 7 -> Hoaxes.... Well I've never heard of that virus before....oh well.
I'm gonna be back, though not so many times... Seeing that there are so many homework to do.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
More Pic

And look at my class photo, now we're all talking about the same thing, don't you think??
That's the sentence which came out in my head when I see this picture, but the truth is, it's so embarrassing (we all acting crazy). But if you study the picture, then you'll know where did we learn it from.....
No other than my teacher, Mr. Yoga (he's the most issued teacher among the other teachers!)
Thee Hee

I tell you what! Most teenagers have the same issue, the diffrence is that there are some who likes sharing his/her narcicisme with others, and there are some who doesn't.
Just to point out, how many self pic there are on facebook for example, they take pictures of themself with their mobile, acting like a pro model or something like that in front of the mirror, though most of them receive bad results (the photos).
These are some pictures of my friends who has the issue, I hope they won't be mad at me
The sephia picture is my friend Devina (a girl actually), The black and white is also my friend Feli (she looks good huh?), and look at those cats! Even cat has issues, oh but I'm sure it's not intentionally done.....Oh just forget 'bout the cats! They're cute~
My Apology
I am teribbly sorry, but there seems to be a problem in uploading the trailer videos, I will have to delay publishing the video. But I will be sure to stay posting some interesting things in this blog, so don't miss it!
Thee Hee
Here's What I like
Do you like playing video games? Well, I do!
And I have some plans on buying some games you see (of course, cool games that is!)
All for PS3, but sadly, I don't have a PS3......yet! :)
I'll be sure to buy it though, because I can't wait to play the games that I'll be sure to like, I have the trailers of the games, be sure to watch it!
Here's what I'm gonna show:
-Final Fantasy XIII
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-Resident Evil 5
-End of Eternity
-Dynasty Warriors 6
And there's also Tekken 6, but I don't have the trailer, so THERE!
Hi! I'm Back!
Hi! I've finished all of the tests!!
I hope I won't get bad result, all I can do now is pray
Well I guess I'm back (for a while), 'cause you see I have this vacation thing with my family, we're goint to Kota Bunga and stay in a hotel there. It will take place on 28-30th (May). Well, there's still some activities to do at school though, like practice (s) for our graduation ceremony on 20th June 2009.
What I can't believe is the seccond practice will take place on my birthday! Geez, I really want to have some fun with my family, and yet I have to practice holding a diploma and wave to everyone... Aah, the irony...
Anyway, for the rest of my vacation, I think I'm going to take animation course for 3 months (my vacation is not that long-> only a month :P BELIEVE THAT?!) I'm really excited!
Of course I'm still gonna continue on blogging, as long as there's something that I want to say to everyone.
Well, I guess that's it...
My classmates are going to have a vacation and ... can you believe it?-prom in Bali!! Well, not that I don't like Bali, I just don't wanna go on a trip with some friends (I don't really like calling them 'friends' really)that I don't like, I mean... I never did anything wrong, but they actually can't stop teasing me! GEEZ!! Will you grow up?! We're gonna go to high school and you're still acting like a bunch of children! (or should I say monkeys?)...
Let's not get carried away, 'cause they can't even pronounce my name right, well I'm not going to have revenge or something like that. Though I will pray for them, so that some day, they'll change.
You see, most of my friends are going to the same high school as I am, 'cause the schools are all in the same neighbourhood, I really hope that my years in high school will be better than the years in middle school, all I can do is pray...
Well Thank you for hearing (reading) my -I guess It's not very important for you- post,
Thee hee :)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Dear Readers
Here's some info about my schedule: I'll be having try outs for next week, and school's final exam the week after that, and then I'm free for the month...YEAH!!!
Of course, there's prom in Bali the week after, but I'm not going with'em (have plans on my own...)
Besides I don't really like having vacation with friends who aren't very close to me.
->and I'd prefer to go on a vacation with my family
So wait for me, OKAY?
Yours Truly.......
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Just So You Know

Just so you know, I make another post not because that "I'm back or anything".
Just...well...I just want to write something.... Hehe
You know that there's many heroines in the final fantasy game series, don't you?
But personally I think, Rinoa Heartilly is the best among the others. She's got these beautifull eyes, the porpotion of the head is more rounded (makes it better), cool hairstyle, and of course a smile that you'll never forget. She's very beautifull.
But don't think that I only like "fiction characters", from the real world I really like Selena Gomez she's so cute and beautifull, her body porpotion's perfect, dreamy eyes and "normal".
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
So many things to do So little time

Agh! I'm soo busy! Couldn't it be more relaxing?!
There's so many test, homework, study, teacher blabbering, etc...
SO! Because of that, I really gotta stop blogging for a while,
The final exam is NEAR
In no time it'll be HERE
so HEAR me OUT!
I really gotta STOP!!
Well good bye for now, and see ya! I'm gonna miss blogging (for sure, I'm not done yet!!)
Please do not contact me during this critical time, unless it's really important (by all means ->if it's related to school, or family, more than that I'll reject...)
Thank you for your attention
Bye Bye!!! Thee Hee
Monday, March 30, 2009
Here's my new design...
Iv'e just re-design my blog...
I design it by myself!
What do you think? is it good? But don't get me wrong, I'm not done yet y'know!
Hope you like it!
All of the best for the best
Thee hee
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pokoknya pelayanan untuk dibuatkan gambar akan ditiadakan sampai pemberitahuan selanjutnya, jadi SELAMAT TINGGAL!!!
Terutama bagi Juan, maaf anda tidak diperbolehkan memesan apapun!
Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Four Beauties of China

Chinese women are well known throughout the world for their feminine beauty and if one were to ask who are the prettiest Chinese girls of China, you’d be flooded with answers of personal favourites. But if you were to ask who are the 4 great beauties of China…then you will get the names of only four. Four women who through lived centuries apart, in different dynasties of ancient China, all possessed beauty so insurmountable not even time would wash their existence from the minds of modern civilization.
So who were these four women blessed with such legendary beauty that until today, the world still can find no others to relinquish their titles to?
The legendary four beauties of ancient China. They have a very rich history and legend behind them, which I try to honor while giving them my own take.
From left:
Xi Shi |
The king of Yue searched his lands for a beauty, and Xi Shi, the daughter of a humble tea trader was sought after for her extraordinary beauty. The king trained her in espionage and court etiquette and sent her, richly dressed to the prince of the Kingdom of Wu as a tribute gift. The prince was so charmed by her bewitching that he neglected his kingdom and duties and easily, the King of Yue invaded during the political chaos and overtook the kingdom of Wu. The prince committed suicide and Xi Shi lived happily ever after with her lover, the minister Fan Li. She's said to be so beautiful that when she was washing silk by the river, the fish was so entranced by her beauty that they forgot to swim and drowned.
Wang Zhaojun |
Emperor Yuan used painted portraits to choose his concubines, so naturally, the girls bribed the court painter to make each of their portraits more flattering. Wang Zhaojun was confident in her beauty and refused to bribe him, and in anger, the artist painted her especially badly. One day, the emperor wanted to send one of his court ladies to the Huns as a political bride. Based on her misleading, bad portrait, Wang Zhaojun was chosen. When she turned to go, Emperor Yuan saw her and realized that she's actually the most beautiful in his court. But it's too late.. as Wang Zhaojun walked out of the palace into the winter day, the flock of birds flying overhead saw her and was so struck by her beauty and selflessness that they forgot to fly and fell to their deaths. Emperor Yuan put the dishonest court painter to death, but Wang Zhaojun never returned to her homeland.
Diaochan |
She helped orchestrate a war between two warlords and ended the rule of a tyrant, but at the end she was put to death by the tyrant's followers. The legend goes that one autumn night as she was worshipping the moon, the moon was so awed by her beauty that it hid behind some clouds out of shame.
Yang Guifei |
Yang Guifei was a high ranking, privileged beauty, and the Emperor Xuanzong was so in love with her that he neglected his state affairs and indulged in their pleasures, feasting and drinking all day long. The legend is that shes so beautiful that the spring flowers would refuse to bloom out of embarrassment. Yang Guifei also loves to take baths, and the Emperor built lavish, splendid lakes and baths for her. One day, a rebellion was staged and the Emperor fled the palace with Yang Guifei, but his soldiers refused to go on and demanded the death of the beauty, whom they believe had ruined the country. Towards the end, Yang Guifei killed herself.
in short:
Xi Shi (c. 770-476 BC, Spring and Autumn Period)
Her beauty would put the most beautiful of fish to shame and make it shyly sink away in her presence.
Wang Zhaojun (c. first century BC, Western Han Dynasty)
Said to be so beautiful that her appearance would leave the birds so awed, they’d forget their flight and fall from the skies.
Diaochan (c. third century, Three Kingdoms period)
Famed to possess such luminous beauty that put even the moon itself could not compare to.
Yang Guifei (719–756, Tang Dynasty)
Her legendary beauty was said to put all flowers to shame.
Please Vote (Tolong Vote)
Tolong vote di poll yang ada di samping, kalo nggak jelas, kamu bisa taruh krusor di atas teks, maka seluruh kalimatnya akan muncul.
Sorry For The Sudden Changes
Just recently, I've changed the language I used for this blog from Bahasa Indonesia into English...
Belum lama, saya mengubah bahasa yang saya gunakan untuk blog ini dari Bahasa Indonesia menjadi Inggris
Actually, I want to practice my grammar and vocabulary which I can't do in Bahasa Indonesia...
Sebenarnya, saya mau berlatih grammar dan vocab yang tentunya tak dapat dilakukan dengan Bahasa Indonesia
So if anyone can't understand the language that I'm using (English) please post a comment on the posting that you want to read and say: please translate this post for me. And if I saw the comment, I will immediately make a translation of the post you desired. I'll do my best to translate it for you.
Jadi jika ada orang yang nggak ngerti Bahasa Inggris, kirim aja aku komentar di post yang kamu mau baca, tulis: tolong buatkan bahasa Indonesianya. Dan jika saya melihat komentar tersebut, saya akan segera membuat transalasi dari post yang kamu ingin baca. Saya akan melakukan yang terbaik dalam membuat transalasinya.
Or if you want me to always have the transalation of the language, just like this info that I've made please, check the polling that I've made beside and vote for transalate all...
Atau jika kamu ingin saya membuat transalasi-nya secara langsung, seperti info ini, cek saja polling yang aku buat di samping, dan pilih yang transalasi semua...
All in the days work, to entertain the readers.... Thee hee...
Thank you for reading...
Terima kasih sudah membaca...
The Two Qiaos
Just for another info regarding these two...
Just like what I've said before, their real names are unknown
That is why the are name Xiao and Da
Each meaning:
Xiao : In Chinese this means little
Da : In Chinese this means big
Xiao Qiao is the younger sister, and Da Qiao is the bigger sister...
that's easy to remmember right?
My Creations 11
My Creations 10
My Creations 9
My Creations 8

Here's another picture of Zhao Yun in a different out fit...
I know... Why draw him again?
Because his my favorite!
Did you know? He's very loyal to the king of Shu, Liu Bei.
That he almost risks his own life in order to save Liu Bei's son-Liu Chan (A Dhou)
He's smart, loyal, strong....
I know-I know....Perfect.....^^
My Creations 7
My seventh: Sun Ce from Dynasty Warriors
Did you know, he was known as a hero in the Three Kingdoms era. He conquers the land (almost the whole land) with his most trusted advisor "Zhou Yu". He's the elder brother of Sun Quan and Sun Shang Xiang.
My Creations 5
Here's my fifth! I drew Okuni from Samurai Warriors...
Did you know that Okuni was the one who started Japanese well known tradition, the "kabuki"?
She's a well known dancer at that era...
My Creations 4
Well here's his wife, in my fourth creations... Oichi.
Did you know that Oichi's life is sorrowfull? Her husband and son was burned to death by her own brother, then her brother send her to an exile. She was known as the most beautifull women in Japan. I feel sorry for her, but she's has a strong mental which helps her to endure all of those horrible things that her brother had done...
My Creations 3

The third one... This is Nagamaza Azai from Samurai Warriors... I've drawn his wife too you know? I'll post it next...
He was the only successor of the Azai clan, though he has an elder brother (which doesn't have any characteristic which are good to be a leader).
He was arranged married by Nobunaga Oda-Oichi's brother....
But then also killed by the same man, tragic isn't? I really don't like Nobunaga, that's why you won't find a drawing of him from me!
My Creations 2
This was my seccond, I drew Diao Chan, or at least a person which looks like Diao Chan.
From Dynasty Warriors too...
She was known to have unparalleled beauty and grace. She was the wife of the mighty and also stubborn Lu Bu. But actually, the idea to married her with Lu Bu was all a tactic to eliminate Dong Zhuo (Lu Bu's foster father). To learn the details please search for her in
or wait for me to tell the details....(which will be long...)
But I do love the history! :D
My Creations 1
I will post some images later, but it's a bit low on quality, for my scanner ain't that good, so I execute an alternate plan:
Take a picture of "the pictures"
maybe it's not that good, especially the first one. I drew those pictures a year ago.
Well, I did my best, maybe it's not that simillar to the real characters though...
So be sure to check it out!

I found this picture not long ago in the internet, I was quite shocked!
You see I have a friend named Kezia Audita (Chacha) and her face looks just like this photo I've found earlier! It's unbelieveable!
Amazingly beautifull, right?!
The upper pic: My friend Kezia
The lower pic: The pic that shocked me...
Maybe you can't tell that they're alike, but trust me! If you meet my friend in person, and saw this picture, you'll tell me that they are.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Newly Drawn

I don't like one of the drawings though, because I thought that the head's too BIG, and the eyes are too... sorry don't know the right word to describe the eyes. Anyway I liked the drawing which I post earlier ago. Basically it's the same drawing of one of the pictures in this post, just in different distance, thee hee
My latest drawing

I've just drew this picture this morning (when I was bored and have nothing to do...)
It's simple really. Maybe I should scan my other drawings instead of keep posting only "simple drawings".
My friend Saskia also wanted me to copy one of my drawings, maybe I should just scan it and let her dowload the picture from this blog, bet she'll agree. Thee hee
anyways, today my dad's mother (meaning my grandmother) will come to my house all the way from Bandung, to visit the newly born Rysya*.
I'm excited!!!
*Read yesterday's post for information
The best eva!!!
I'll tell you what's the best anime/manga for every genre that I know!
Detective : Tantei Gakuen Q (The best eva!!!)
Comedy : School Rumble, Ouran High School Host Club, of course DORAEMON, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
Action : Black Cat, Full Metal Panic, Get Backers, Gundam Seed, Samurai X
Music : La Corda Doro Primo Passo (Awsome!!!)
Cooking : Yakitate!! Japan (Amazing!!!)
Romanticlly comedy??!: Ultra Maniac (must watch!), Ginban Kaleidoscope (must 2), Mint Na Bokura
Sport : Hungry Heart Wild Striker (The best sport anime eva!-> That I've watched), Dorabase (The best sport manga eva!!!)
What the?! : Gakuen Alice
Doctor : Black Jack (Awesome!)
I have all of the above list (the anime series), except for Black Jack (on process)
thee hee
Must Watch!!!
For later *information, I will post it as soon as I can (you see I'm busy)
*Information : Pictures, description, and so on, be sure to not miss it!
And the result is....
Last Saturday (the 3rd Saturday, I forgot the date ^^)...
the seccond midterm results are here!
And u know what???? THE TRY OUTS ARE TOO!! What?! Do you know how busy I am?!
Anyway, that day no one can take my result (supposed parents), so my mom ask my friend's dad to take mine instead.. How embarassing?! What if I get bad marks?!
I was sooooo nervous, well good thing that the try outs turn out well (hopefully).
Then, when I was gonna go home, my mom was there...
How did????
So she speaks: it turn out, your friend isn't in the same class as you are, so I hurried here and got your results
Me : Oh so that's the problem (I know from the start, that my friend wasn't in the same class, but I thought that wasn't a problem, anyway, I'm thankfull, that her dad didn't see my result).
Gladly I've got 80 for my average...
Though there are 5 bad marks that I've receive. But there wasn't any which was under 60 points
Just like always, I'm lacking in Math, Bahasa Indonesia, and of course P.E
Why am I so weak in my own language?! I mean that's weird right? RIGHT?? >.<
I've become an AUNT(14 years old) (can u believe that?!)

Not long ago, 18 March 2009
exactly 12.40.... My sister gave birth to a child.
It's a GIRL! OOOOh and soooo cuteee!
She's so small (well 'duh!)
I can't believe I'm an aunt now, am I really that old??
Anyway, not long before my sister gave birth, she had a dream. Wanna now the dream she had>.> She dreamnt that I got jealous to all the attention that everyone's giving to her child, that I throw away all the baby's diapers away (Like why'd I wanna do that?!). Anyway, I hope she doesn't really think that I'm going to throw away those diapers... LOL!!
Anyway the name's
Rysya Marchiana Immanuel Rotty
Ain't that cool?? Although she's got one part of my name (Immanuel).
btw: I've been thinking, and I want to be called NOEL!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009