Hiya Guys

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About Me

East Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
I am a student from BPK PENABUR school, East Jakarta. I want to share my interest in this blog, so share with me!!!
Success is how high you bounce, AFTER you touch the ground

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just So You Know

Just so you know, I make another post not because that "I'm back or anything".

Just...well...I just want to write something.... Hehe

You know that there's many heroines in the final fantasy game series, don't you?

But personally I think, Rinoa Heartilly is the best among the others. She's got these beautifull eyes, the porpotion of the head is more rounded (makes it better), cool hairstyle, and of course a smile that you'll never forget. She's very beautifull.

But don't think that I only like "fiction characters", from the real world I really like Selena Gomez she's so cute and beautifull, her body porpotion's perfect, dreamy eyes and "normal".