Hi guys!! Long time no c XD
I've just finished watching Rome x Juliet (anime),
gosh.... I really
COULDN'T STOP CRYING!!!This is one of the best anime eva!! I mean the romance the conspiracy and all,
I just couldn't get enough of it XD
By the way, not a long time ago, my Indonesian language teacher gave an assignment for us.
U c, we outta make a short story with a minimum of 3 pages. It could be anything you'd like.
So, being inspired by this extraordinary anime, I've decided to make a similar story,
and you know what? I actually cried while I'm typing my story.
Once I've finished, and I show it to my friend at school,
she couldn't stop crying either....
Ahh, the tragic end, the romantic young couple, the history behind them.... It just
CLICK!!And u know, since I love it soooo much, I drew a picture of it... then I edited the pic with adobe ^^, enjoy
I'm overjoyed~ It's just so romantic