You know... Ever since I got to be a new student at SMAK 7
I think I've lost the meaning of eat lunch when reccess comes...
I'm busy all the time I guess, busy doing what you ask?
I'm busy chasing over the teachers and ask this and that (s). I'm pitying myself at the moment...
I have business with teachers that are related to IAYP program, I'm currently confused with the activities that I must do. You see, when you join IAYP you can pick 2 extracurricular activity...
Well, in my case I've picked tennis table and magazine online. I picked table tennis because that I have to. For the physical recreation in the IAYP program, remmember?
The other one is because of my own personal interest in web design, and there's might be a chance that I could help out with my chruch's web page, so...
But then, suddenly they said (teachers) that there's gonna be a test to eliminate those who doesn't have what it takes to live on and pick the best out of the trash. And then the best's skill will be polished until it shines the word SMAK 7. ->know what I mean?(Dramatic? I know)...
Well, here's the thing. I don't really have any experience in tabble tennis, so I'm kinda worried. Then I asked my teacher, he said there's a high probability that the girls who picked tennis table for their extracurricular activity won't be tested, considering the quantity of having girls in the activity is really...REALLY low, where as the boys...There's like mountains of 'em entered table tennis. And so only the boys will be tested...
But I think that's ridiculous, I mean you don't test 'em 'cause of their being low in quantity?! That's just out of the ordinary!! I'm confused. Well, my solution for myself is:
I'll ask my dad to teach me how to play tabble tennis. (He plays with my church's pastor-> whew) I know, kinda weird... But that's my life. My dad likes playing tabble tennis and tennis. He usually plays tennis with our neighbours. I've never played tennis before in my life, so I kinda have the urge to try...
when I got the time....
Anyway, there's school. Mountanious homeworks to do, quizes, diary (a must at my school), and tests. Just like an ordinary school... With a math teacher that continuously will give us a hundred number of math questions... And will have a plus if you didn't finish the last one...
Creepy? I know, that's my school.
See yaa!! Thee Hee
P.S: That's a picture of my best friend Valerie a.k.a Valie wearing our school's complete uniform